How to hold a crochet hook and yarn

As a crochet beginner, one of the first things you’ll need to learn is how to get a grip on your crochet tools. The wonderful thing about crochet is that you only need 2 things – a hook and some yarn. If you’re right-handed, hold the hook in your right hand and yarn in the other. If you’re left-handed, switch sides.

 Hold a hook


There are no hard and fast rules about the best way to hold the hook and yarn. Choose whichever way you find the most comfortable. You may prefer the "pencil grip". The hook is held in the right hand as if holding a pencil.


Another hold is the "knife grip". The hook is held in the right hand as if holding a dinner knife ready to cut.

Hold yarn



Hold the yarn in your non-dominant hand. There are multiple ways to hold yarn; To maintain the slight tension in the yarn necessary for easy, even stitches, you may find it helpful to wrap the yarn around the fingers of the hand opposite the one holding the hook. Try one of these ways, or find another way that feels comfortable to you.

Before we begin, some terminology: